The rust never sleeps

food7I spent a few hours in the kitchen today at the Chef’s House after a couple weeks off of work.  My skills were rusty as hell, I felt more useless than the new students who were slowly and unenthusiastically filleting fish. I need to keep my skills sharp, if I walked into a new job the way I entered the Chef’s House today I would have little chance of making a descent first impression and we all know how important that can be.

If anyone has anyone has any tricks that keep themselves honed I would like to hear them.  I cook alot at home but it never seems to translate into proffesional kitchens.  I need to get myself back into form as I am on the hunt.  thanks.

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1 Comment

  1. Nothing is going to keep you more job ready then working in a
    professional kitchen. Of course that goes without saying. Somethings I
    think would help keep skills sharp during down times:

    – use your knife skills whenever you can. If you have to chop, slice
    and/or dice anything you might as well pretend you are in a pro
    kitchen. Focus on keepin your cuts tight and clean. Aim to work as
    professionaly as possible, maybe even ignore speed in this case and
    focus on technique.

    – practice. Master stocks, sauces and base recipies.

    -buy La Technique and work through it until you feel comfortable with
    each section. That alone would make you a force to be reckond with.

    -Daydream, dream and visualize cooking all the time. Sounds lame but
    pro athetes use visualization as an imports t training tool.

    – cook with friends and challenge yourselves. Stetch and push
    yourselves to produce top quality food.

    -keep yourself inspired by reading about chefs you respect or are interested in.

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