
Last night i wasn’t in the mood to cook anything huge or go out to get a meal or even have one delivered for the sake of spending money needlessly, which kinda left me looking around the house until a light went off in my head and came up with some thing so sweet i don’t know why i don’t do it more often, Brinner. Or as you might know it, Breakfast for Dinner, take the Br from breakfast and combine with the inner from dinner. so genius. wish i could coin the phrase.

I personally haven’t had Brinner in years so when the opportunity came up from other else but the fact that the house had no other ingredients but those which make breakfast, inspiration followed. Couldn’t help but also think of my girlfriend Claire when making Brinner since she’s in fact in love with having breakfast for dinner whenever possible. Claire would have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner if she could. Why not have breakfast for dinner anyway, or lunch for that fact? Is it taboo? Is there a written code in Le Guide Culinaire or French Cookery that when dinning in or going out for dinner that one must have steak & frites, bœuf bourguignon, or grilled scottish salmon on a cedar plank, accompanied by a starch and veg?

I must say that making my open-faced sandwich of whole wheat toast with german salami, salt free bacon topped with a over easy egg and thyme, garlic, shallot sweet potato hash and lemon balsamic vinaigrette on arugula salad was damn good and had great comments about it from others i cooked it for.

Just thought i’d share that with everyone and get some feedback on what you guys thought about Brinner. Let the revolution begin (though i’m sure its already out there).

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