
TomateSanMarzanoWe all know the old attage:  KISS or keep it simple stupid.  I always find it diffucult to uphold this belief even though I am well aware of its application in the kitchen.  Once I get cooking I am always adding a little of this or that, trying to balance flavours and textures to create the perfect dish.  That is not to say that doing such is always a bad thing but often it detracts from rather than adding to the quality and character of a dish.  Last night I made a simple tomato sauce that I just couldn’t stop eating.  It was so simple yet so perfect and contained only 5 ingredients plus salt and pepper. 

The recipe is as follow:  5 cloves of garlic sliced finely, 1 small onion diced, 1 796ml can of San Marzano tomatoes, 2 dried chillies and a very healthy splash of good quality olive oil.  You simply sweat the onions, garlic and chillies in olive oil for about 10 minutes, add the tomatoes, pulverize with an imersion blender and then return to the heat for 5 more minutes.  It couldn’t be easier or tastier. 

I think the key with this as with any simple recipe is that the quality of the ingredients are as high as you could possibly find.  I think I am going to learn from this experience and start preparing more simple, high quality dishes.  Eating this sauce over some pasta with a little grated cheese was one of the most soul satisfying dishes I have enjoyed in recent memory.


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