Cheater Sticky Buns

So I was craving some very yummy and goey sticky buns but really didnt want to spend the time making brioche dough and cooling it and blah blah blah, so i cheated. I made a very simple brioche like dough (challah) and then filled it with butter, sugar, pecans, raisins and a little bit of cinnamon. It was a phenomenal combination that I will definitely keep on making.

So here goes….

Iulia’s Sticky Buns

– 2 tsp dry active yeast
– 1/4 cup water (warmish)
– 1/4 cup sugar
– 2 oz butter (1/2 stick)
– 1/2 cup milk
– 1 tsp honey
– 2 eggs
– 2 1/2 cups of flour (unbleached)

– 1/2 to 1 cup brown sugar (depending on how sweet and gooey you want them)
– 2 tbsp butter to 1/4 lb of butter (again depending on the level of gooey-ness desired)
– 1/2 cup raisins
– 1/2 chopped pecans

1. Mix yeast with water and a pinch of the sugar. Allow to bubble while warming the butter and milk together until butter is melted and milk is warm to the touch, not hot! (helps if u use a microwave to melt the butter 1st and then warm it with the milk)
2. Add milk mixture to yeast, add eggs, the rest of the sugar, honey and stir well. I also added a little bit of vanilla extract just for an extra kick. Add the flour a little bit at a time while stirring. Mix with a stand mixer for about 8 minutes or knead by hand for 15 until the dough is smooth and elastic.
3. Cover with plastic wrap and allow to double in size (about 1 hr) In the mean time butter a deep baking vessel (i used a bunt cake pan) and line the bottom with brown sugar and cinnamon (also pecans if you’re feeling nutty)
4. Punch down the dough and roll out into a big rectangle (dough should be as thin as possible in order to add more layers of sugary goodness). Then butter (with softened room temperature butter) the entire length of the dough, leaving only about a one inch border on one of the long sides of the dough. Sprinkle the raisins, cinnamon, sugar and pecans and begin rolling the dough. Make it as tight as possible pulling on the dough and then rolling (it won’t tear it so don’t be shy with the pulling).
5. Using a sharp serrated knife cut 1/2 thick portions of the challah loaf and lay them on the buttered and sugared pan. Allow the dough to rise once more at room temperature for about 30 min and bake in a 350 oven for about 30-40 min until golden brown on the top.
6. Flip on a plate ASAP and enjoy the gooey goodness.

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1 Comment

  1. As we speak i am doing a very similar recipe on sticky buns, one that i got from because i am not a baker/pastry chef by any means and am very excited and nervous about the results. only i made a banana glaze/caramel because they were about to go off. so in short smells great and hopefully will taste better. oh yeah GO CANADA.

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