Orange Coffee Cake

I need to thank Ryan Donovan’s mom for this recipe… although I’ve never met her or her son, I would really like to congratulate them on this wonderful recipe… I’ve adapted it slightly and it can change depending on what you have available in your pantry or your fridge… it’s yummy both fresh out of the oven and the next day for breakfast…

1/2 cup butter (room temp)
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
2 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp Baking soda
1 1/4 cups of yogurt (any flavour works but its easier to keep it as neutral as possible)
1/4 brown sugar
some: orange peel, cinnamon, ground cloves, ginger, chocolate chips, raisins, cocoa (if using this throughout the batter, add a little more yogurt since it dries the cake out) etc

1. Cream butter and sugar together. Use a hand mixer or stand mixer and make sure it’s very well blended together (pictures will follow). Add eggs and emulsify
2. Using a spatula, fold in the flour, baking powder and baking soda (and any flavour agents you want). Don’t overblend. Add the yoghurt.
3. Oil and flour a bunt tin, place half of the batter in the tin. Sprinkle a mixture of brown sugar and spices/flavour agents over the batter. This creates a very decorative streak of colour and yumminess through the middle of each portion. Top with the rest of the batter.
4. Bake in a 350F over for about 30-35 min until a toothpick inserted into it comes out clean.
5. Invert on a plate and enjoy!

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