Food Fail: Candwich

Life is a busy rat race.  Between cubical decorating, water cooler gossip, football, hair appointments, drinking with boys, huffing glue, mani-pedis, shopping and reality shows, its a wonder anyone has time to eat.  Lets face it, finding time to make those pesky meals is just too much sometimes.  Eating is not about enjoying the ingredients and preparation of the meal, but simply about ensuring that you put something in your belly so you don’t feel that bothersome thing called hunger.   For those who thought canned cheese was a wonderful invention…. Introducing canned sandwiches or, candwiches…

The Candwich comes in three flavors: peanut butter and strawberry jam, peanut butter and grape jam, and, the most terrifying of all, BBQ Chicken…Pepperoni Pizza and French Toast Candwiches are in the works.


Thanks to Jill for this link.

Full Candwich story

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