Human Breast Milk Vs. Lady Gaga

As a quick disclaimer:  I would much rather write about other things but I feel compeled to relate these stories as they come up.  I find it funny that in such a short time there has been such a clamour about human breast milk products.

Lady Gaga, a long standing bastion of good taste and convention has launched a lawsuit last week, against the ice cream shop  of “Baby Gaga” fame, The IceCreamists for using her name, the likeness there of,  to sell a product.  The suit claims the product made by The IceCreamists is “nausea-inducing” and “intended to take advantage of [her] reputation and goodwill”.  Further, the suit claims that the frozen dessert is “detrimental” to her image as it is “deliberately provocative and, to many people, nausea-inducing”.

Of course, in light of the tremendous amount of publicity, the owner of The IceCreamists is vowing to fight to the bitter end, painting Lady Gagas actions as a David vs. Goliath scenario.

“The world’s biggest superstar has taken umbrage with the world’s smallest ice-cream parlour. For Lady Gaga to accuse us of stealing her image is laughable when you consider how much she has borrowed from popular culture to create her look and music…”

The law suite requires The IceCreamists to “change the name of the ice cream to something which is not aurally, visually or conceptually similar to Lady Gaga” or court action will be taken.”

Well, I for one, am going to be holding my breath, mainlining the internet until I get some more news on this fascinating and all consuming story.   Thanks to the Evening Standard for this tidbit.

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