What went down this week.

  • An interesting local food video from Hellmans mayo and the creative folks at Ogilvy. Bit of an eye opener. http://t.co/rxjerHw4 #
  • Farms Without Soil Take Root In The Middle East http://t.co/6o06t0hU #
  • Amazing old school butchery video from 1945. Beautiful beef, mad skills and banging soundtrack. http://t.co/T1MB9ORc #
  • Monsanto, A Potential Contributor To Colony Collapse Disorder, Buys Bee Research Firm http://t.co/3MCgwRmB #
  • @FannyChadwicks, thanks for a great meal. Great atmosphere. Loved the terrine and fried chicken.. Glad you're in the neighborhood. #
  • A Silicon Valley-Style Incubator For Local Food http://t.co/AeLXQMj9 #
  • Media, Consumers Take BSE In Stride http://t.co/r6bEGMPq #
  • Lose 20 lbs. of Fat in 30 Days http://t.co/NZ538LGN #
  • Hacked account again. Working on it. Sorry for the garbage posts. What a pain.Thanks a bunch to who ever it is for the fun and aggravation. #

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