What went down this week.

An interesting local food video from Hellmans mayo and the creative folks at Ogilvy. Bit of an eye opener. http://t.co/rxjerHw4 # Farms Without Soil Take Root In The Middle East http://t.co/6o06t0hU # Amazing old school butchery video from 1945. Beautiful beef, mad skills and banging soundtrack. http://t.co/T1MB9ORc # Monsanto, A Potential Contributor To Colony Collapse …

The Beauty of Old School Butchery

I came across this video on Youtube. Its from the U.S. National Archive and was produced in 1945. The butchery skills are amazing as is the music and the narration. Note the caliber of the cow at the begingin of the video and the color and marbling of the meat. This movie was made before …

What went down this week.

Science Should Trump Sensationalism In Beef Issue…from BEEF magazine.. The flip side of pink slime..http://goo.gl/bw5kL # US has the world's most salty fast food.Canadian study finds 2x the salt in US nuggets over UK nuggets. http://t.co/Jr5tacvc # Industry Was Too Late On LFTB Issue http://t.co/ryGmEALU #