Do Not Rush a Persimmon

food1Persimmons are a strange and vindictive fruit. Delicious, but if you attempt to eat one before it looks too rotten to eat, you will be sorry.  I rushed a persimmon this afternoon, about an hour ago …  my mouth only just recovered.  There are two basic types of persimmons, the  astringent and the non-astringent. I had a run in with the astringent type, when eaten to early they have enough tannins in them to remove all traces of saliva from your mouth.  I’m not kidding, it feels like your mouth is shriveling up, I imagine its very close to the feeling of  eating a 1/4 cup of corn starch. However, when you manage to eat the piece that looks odly rotten,  a little too mushy, gross and slimy … it works. They are delicious, you just have to wait until you think they are rotten.

I’d post a picture, but I already ate it …  so much for a first post.

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