A quick and yummy discovery.

goodfoodIt snowed for the first time this year today.  It wasn’t much and barely dusted the ground but it was bonafide snow.  In celebration we decided to cook a home style roast chicken dinner.  We had a lovely bird, some potatoes for mashing and some root veggies for roasting.  Everything went well and within a few minuets of getting everything prepped, the house started to smell wonderful.

I love roast chicken dinners and while they are not hard to make they do take some care.  Like everything in the kitchen its all about the prep.  I’ll post my thoughts about roasting chickens a little later on.   The bird came out browned and moist.  The veggies were roasted to perfection and the mashies (made with the exclusive Mo method) were excellent.  The one thing lacking was gravy.

No biggie, I thought.  I’ll just dig around, pull out some stock and some wine and POW, pan gravy.

Only I didn’t have stock or white wine.  By now, my bird was almost done resting and I was really craving  gravy.  I came up with an on the fly solution that took literally 5 min and tasted really really good.

Here’s my solution:

1. drain off excess fat from roasting pan, leaving pan drippings behind

2. add a small handful of roasted veggies back into the pan

3.  add a splash of milk

4. deglaze pan on low heat and mash veggies into milk

5. add some more milk and using a hand blender, liquefy the snot out of it

6. season to taste

7. enjoy

So would this be ‘Milk gravy?’  Anyone tried anything like this? Any thoughts?

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