New Generation Grill Fusion in the Annex

Just like any other korean grill house, you’re cooking your own meal in the little hot plates located in the center of each table. It’s a very neat idea for an interactive meal but really puts the pressure on the kitchen in order to produce phenomenal food without being able to cook it until the end.

So this particular place is the sister restaurant to New Generation Sushi (located just down the street… between bathurst and spadina on bloor) which has been one of my fav spots for quick and yummy meals. However, this really must be the evil and uglier sister that they keep locked up in the basement since the two restaurants are nothing alike! Grill Fusion is dark and gloomy, with a strange aroma awaiting you upon entry. The staff is just as friendly as those at New Gen Sushi but the environment doesn’t do them any justice. The dark marble tables would make the place feel a little more elegant if the rest of the decor wasn’t also dark. It almost feels like you’re dining in a cave. And if we talk about the food, well let’s just say it was severely disappointed. Crappy side dishes served waaay too cold with a very stingy variety of  crappy cuts of  meat really doesn’t scream plentiful all you can eat grill house menu. The best thing about the menu is their attempt to adapt to their surroundings by serving HOT DOGS as part of the grill menu. That’s not just cheap but also insulting to foodies like us.

I just want to warn any New Gen Sushi enthusiasts that the grill house experience is absolutely a let down and therefore everyone should stick the classic.

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