Cowbell Restaurant

WOW might be the best word to describe my experience at this wonderful restaurant. From the warm atmosphere of its bistro-like decor, to the friendly yet non-invasive servers, this venue really does things well. It may be a little higher on the price scale than most restaurants of it’s kind, but the meal is definitely worth the splurge.

So let’s talk business! After being rejected from a “super-hipster-not-for-the-likes-of-you” type of restaurant due to its apparent inability to manage its busy nights, four foodies decided they needed some comfort in the form of food (not necessarily comfort food) so we headed to Cowbell (queen and roncesvales in parkdale). It’s dimmed lights, relaxed atmosphere and inviting food aromas definitely erased any second thoughts we had about this choice. Although (and I will agree it may be a strictly personal preference) the tiled floor would not be in any sort of way my decorating choice, the restaurant was beautifully put together. With enough space between tables to ensure some intimacy, dimmed lights and light music playing in the background, our evening started transforming into a wonderful one. Our waiter was more than knowledgeable in both the ingredients for all of their eccentric yet well composed dishes and their extensive wine list! The service was not rushed in any sort of way, our glasses were always full of both water and wine, and we definitely didn’t have to make uncomfortable and awkward conversation with the waiter with food in our mouths.

One thing I feel really bad about not being able to recommend is what we had for dinner. This isn’t meant to be insulting in any sort of way, but their menu changes weekly in order for the restaurant to be fully able to us use any and all parts of the whole animals they bring in for butchering. Their menu is also a reflection of seasonality with wild leeks being predominant on our particular menu. I do recommend if anything, just going in for the shared charcuterie and butcher’s plates. These two items definitely showcase the abilities of this kitchen and will definitely have you wanting more. I also have to mention how neat it is that EVERYTHING there is done in house including the bread and butter that is presented to you at the beginning of the meal. I thought that was a very neat touch!

Overall, if you’re willing to have a wonderful meal out in the city and can spend an extra buck or two, COWBELL is for you! Having been part of their brunch as well (the more economical option) I do recommend saving up a little more in order to have the dinner instead since this Sunday special is still an art they need to perfect. I really can’t wait to return!

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