My time at Cowbell

A couple of years ago, when I was toying with the idea of going into the kitchen, I ate at Cowbell.  It had been open for a while and  making waves in the Toronto dining scene.  Fresh food, whole animal butchery and a commitment to farmers and producers in the local area.  Now, these concepts are finding their way in to the everyday food lexicon, but back then, it was a new approach to running a restaurant.

The meal was great, but what I won’t forget was the bread and butter, both homemade.  Simple and delicious.

When it came time to choosing a place for me to intern while in school, Cowbell was at the top of my list.   After a brief interview, I was working in a whole different concept of restaurant.

My time there has come to an end and I am very grateful for the experience.  Thank you to everyone at Cowbell who made my time there so enriching.

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