Crudite, 8 months later.

Its been 8 months since we started Notes on a meal. Here’s whats changed.
1. Generally speaking my life has been a lot better since I started writing for Notes on a meal: More then words can say.
2. My favorite meal in the last 8 months has been: My girlfriends pasta dinner.  Outta this world.
3. In the last 8 months the most important food related thing I’ve learned is: Pitted dates may contain pits.
4. I work in the industry: yes
5. I have made job related moves in the 8 months. yes Ive moved to Marben. Its been fun and pretty worky.
6. Has your perspective on food changed in the 8 months? I have learned to really appreciate fresh food grown with love.
7. My favorite animal is steak. Yes. Sit steak, good boy.
8. I feel that the restaurant that gets me excited right now is: Sushi Kaji.  I still have not eaten there, but its been a long time coming and I’m very excited.
9. I am excited about all the wonderful seasonal food that is available right now: yes and how.
10. I look forward to getting a regular schedule and enjoying my life outside of work more in the next 8 months.
11. One thing about the last 8 months that has made a difference in the way I see food is: not compromising on quality.
12. Knowing what I know now, if I were a cheese I would be: since I have become quite injury prone, I would probably be a cheese thats easy to cut.
13. In the last 8 months I have broken the record for gratuitous band aid use in the kitchen.
14. I value efficiency and professionalism  in the kitchen.

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