What has 6 000 time the atmosphere of the earth, blasts water at 40 000 PSI and removes the flesh from living shellfish in less then a blink of an eye?
Why the Big Mother Shucker of course! This monstrous machine is designed using science to safely remove the shells from things like lobsters almost instantly. To use, simply insert whole, live lobster and hit the ‘go’ button.
The machine ramps up the ambient air pressure to 87 000 PSI causing the flesh to separate from the shell and instantaneously killing the creature. Then a high powered 40 000 PSI jet of water finishes the process by blasting the flesh from the shell.
First up is the technical diagram illustrating the before and after lobster. In the before image, the lobster looks like a lobster. In the after image, the lobster looks like a lobster. However, upon closer inspection, it is clear that the lobster, while maintaining its original shape as exhibited in the before picture, is clearly missing its shell. A denuded lobster. Click to see the full size image.
The second image is the marketing image provided by the manufacturer. While the machine is clearly a wonder of modern engineering, the ad campaign is pure genius. The machine is literally rising through a floor made of identical cubes that extends off into infinity.
Thanks to Gizmodo for the heads up on this wondrous invention.
Bring it on, lets get one for Marben.