Frozen raspberries in slow-mo

Things in slow motion look pretty cool.  Things that have been frozen in liquid nitrogen and then filmed breaking apart in slow motion look even cooler.  Here we have a beautiful clip of nitro-frozen raspberries being dashed apart.  The nature of the clip is purely instructional, but is stunning to watch.

This just in: The Great Nutella Hiest of 2013.

In the small German town of Bad Hersfeld, thieves made off with $21 000 (CAD) worth of Nutella.  For those keeping score thats about 6 875 large jars or 27 000 000 calories worth. With climbing food costs, large scale food theft has been on the rise. There have been many high profile incidents, including $18 million dollars …

Do not feed the animals.

The food stamp program, part of the Department of Agriculture, is pleased to be distributing the greatest amount of food stamps ever. Meanwhile, the Park Service, also part of the Department of Agriculture, asks us to “please do not feed the animals” because the animals may grow dependent and not learn to take care of …

Happy Birthday To Us.

November marks our second anniversary. Thank you to all our readers and to those that have made this blog possible. A special thanks to everyone who has contributed to Notes On A Meal over the last two years. Its been fun so far and we look forward to another great year of great food posts. …

Geek Grill Gambit

I know there are more inexpensive and functional ways to keep tabs on temperature in your grill, but there are none cooler.  Enter the iGrill bluetooth thermometer. It is a stand alone meat probe style thermometer that also comes with an app to link directly to your iphone or ipad via bluetooth.  Features include safe …

Pastry Tip

Is your pie soggy? Is your crust not, well, crusty? Wanna try something neato that will make your pie flakey and lovely? Just add vodka. Make your favorite dough recipe and substitue all the water for vodka. The alcohol makes the dough more pliable and easier to work with. When you bake it, the alcohol …

Apple vs. Apple

In my other life, outside of cooking, I am a huge geek.  I love tech and I am a bit of a Mac nerd.  While I love both worlds, there are few cases where the two meet.  For example, while I am typing this, my left index finger is unusable and pretty tender as I …

Pedestrian Physics

After trial by fire, and over a week immersed in Italian culture, I have learned a few things about pedestrian physics here in Italy. 1. Italians drive very well. They also drive very fast. Italians are very aware of their surroundings as they do not rely on/need/enjoy using traffic signage to regulate their vehicular movements. …

Notes On Europe: Rome

We have been in Italy for the better part of a week and we have settled into our beautiful apartment in Florence. We spent the last few days in Rome walking around the largest city I have ever seen. I would have posted sooner, but the interweb is hard to track down in Rome. Heres …

Human Breast Milk Round III

It seems the world has gone breast milk crazy.  Up until very recently, there was very little in the way of human breast milk products. Now, in the span of less then a month, I find myself writing yet another post on human breast milk. Enter “Baby Ga-Ga” British health officials were forced to sieze …

Giving the finger to fast food.

Some people are just so darned creative. This must have taken hours to do.  The detail is pretty astonishing. Imagine being able to constantly reference your fingers for food establishments to avoid.  It would certainly take all the brain work out of avoiding fast food. High Five. Click to see full size. Thanks to Poorly Dressed …

Human Milk Cheese Update

Yup, just when you thought a strange story was dead and burried along comes some shocking new developments. According to one of our readers, human milk cheese is already available on the market and has been for some time.  Since 1947, the good people at Cosma Cheese in France,  have been making Petit Singly cheese.  Using …