Man To Eat Nothing But Wife’s Breast Milk.

Its been a while since we ran a spread on the growing popularity of using human breast milk for things other then feeding a child. In the interest of keeping up to date with rapidly expanding world of human breast milk consumption, here is yet another wonderful, touching and slightly strange story.

It all boils down to this. Through three pregnancies, the wife pumped breast milk every 2 hours producing a huge amount of milk. Even after donating 10 000 onces of milk to a child in need, they had a massive surplus of milk. Now the couple have a stand up freezer of full of breast milk. They are moving and don’t want to pay the excessive cost of shipping a freezer full of human milk. With their options running out, the husband stepped up and decided to go full lactose. That is, to eat/subsist on nothing but his wife’s breast milk.

The wife in this story is (not surprisingly) a childbirth and lactation educator. Having done the math and some serious caloric testing, she determined that each ounce of her milk contains between 27-32 calories. His body needs about 2 000 calories a day to function so hes aiming to drink around 66 onces of breast milk a day. Currently, the husband confides, he is hunger free and drinks his daily quota in 16 ounce batches which keep him feeling full for 2-4 hours.

What more is there left to say other then to wish the husband good luck with his milky meal adventure and give thanks to gothamist for this article.

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