Since it’s January and the holidays were exactly as expected, gluttonous when it came to food, it is time for our weight loss resolution of 2013. I researched all sorts of diets and really struggled with deciding what goodies I actually wanted to give up. Luckily, in the middle of my procrastinated search, our new gym offered us a 30 day weight loss challenge. We have just embarked on the Paleo Diet and are going back to our hunting and foraging roots for nourishment. Each day gets awarded a point based on our religious following of the rules and in conjunction with our final weight loss we are awarded prizes for our good behaviour. I sure hope the prizes are food cause I’m starving on day 4 of the month.
Basically the rules are simple, if a caveman would eat it then we’re also allowed to do the same. All meats (unprocessed), fruits and vegetables (except those that can’t be eaten raw) are allowed. Grains, dairy, processed sugars, excessive salt, legumes are all out! We can eat as much of the allowed grub, both raw and cooked but get docked points for anything that cheats the rules. Although we get docked for simple things like ketchup on our omelettes and a simple glass of wine, we also have bonus points for taking our vitamins or sleeping at least 8 hours a night.
So far, the biggest challenge is general fatigue. The meals we eat are filling but meat and vegetables hardly give us the energy that sugar and breads did. I have come to terms with the fact that I’m addicted to sugar and I have to put that addiction on hold for the next few weeks only to see some results. I know that radical diets like this usually lead to a relapse but I think if I keep the general rules of this regiment long after the challenge is over with some slight alterations I can save myself from that problem.
I will keep you all updated as to the progress and put up some recipes for those that want to join me in the fun. Also, if you’re interested in a little more research check out