Before I go on talking about this week’s dessert specialty, I will admit that we caved in one day this week and destroyed a pizza. It was honestly the worst thing we could do since it really upset our stomachs but it was entirely necessary (hangover, rainy day, injuries,various other excuses, etc). Other than that one gluttonous meal, we’ve been following this diet as religiously as possible so it shouldn’t affect our end results. Now that I got that off my chest, I’ll let you guys in on our Paleo chocolate mousse recipe which can also easily be turned into Paleo Trifle recipe.
Paleo Chocolate Mousse
1 1/2 tbsp honey (depending how sweet you want your final product to be)
2 tbsp cocoa (unsweetened)
1 can of coconut milk (as close to organic as possible and definitely not low fat)
-Set your coconut milk in the fridge (literally put the can in the fridge overnight) and gently skim the fat (white) portion out, separating it from the coconut water. This is the “whipped cream” that actually froths up when whisked
-Warm up your honey and about 1 tsp of coconut water and dissolve your cocoa
-Mix it into your coconut fat and using an electric whisk or a whipped cream dispenser (N2O chargers) froth it up
-Pour into serving vessel and set in fridge for at least an hour
*Paleo Trifle
1 portion of Paleo Chocolate Mousse
2 Paleo cookies (see last post)
-Simply alternate layers of the three ingredients in whatever vessel you’re serving this in. Chill for at least an hour in the fridge and devour without sharing!