Chef school rant.

food2Right now I am sitting in the cafeteria at George Brown Chef School.  Its a good place to sit and work.  Its a large space dominated by a giant hole in the floor looking into the main floor foyer. So really, its a small space. They serve food here.  Rant part 1. The food they serve at the chefs school cafeteria is outsourced to one of those monstrous commercial grade food providers.   One would think that in a school full of cooks, staffing an operation like the school cafeteria with students makes sense.  According to various sources, the school prefers the fixed rent fees that it gets from Monsterfood corp.  Silly me for thinking there was anything altruistic afoot here.
The food sucks.  Rant part 2.  Really, when is it a good idea to serve horrible, macerated, overcooked, horrid looking food to cooks in training (or to anyone for that matter)?  What does it say about the stnadards of the school?  Does it not promote mediocrity?

Maybe I am missing the point.

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1 Comment

  1. I think it goes one step further than promoting mediocrity, it promotes shit! The school should be not only nourishing it’s students with healthy, nutritious food but also inspiring them with creative and innovative fare. This has been a truly dissapointing part of my time at chef school.

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