Ethical Food Part 1

While we in Canada slowly come to terms with the need for local, sustainable agricultural practices, there are still many many issues that need to be addressed when it comes to ethical food production.  Some frightening and often disturbing issues lie just under the surface.  Knowledge and exposure are critical tools to promoting change.

If you know of any resources to further the understanding of ethical food practices, please drop us a line.

Resource 1

Take an hour and a half to watch The Cove. A documentary filmed in Taiji, Japan about illegal dolphin hunting.  It is dark and disturbing.  However, it is aimed not at affronting the viewer, but instead bringin awareness to a horrible practice that has remained hidden from the public eye.  To get this documentary made, much of the footage was shot illegally and without formal sanction from any officials in Taiji.

From the Globe and Mail:

There are five minutes in this documentary that ought to be mandatory viewing. The entire 90 minutes is utterly compelling, but the five alone are worth the price of admission.

In those five minutes, using special camouflage, night-vision and underwater cameras, a team of filmmakers and environmental activists covertly film the brutal slaughter of dozens of dolphins.

From Now magazine:

The Cove is a devastating, horrific indictment of cultural corruption, political cynicism and inhuman cruelty…

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