whats the deal with that?…….

Oh goodness it must be Christmas! 

Here’s what i don’t understand though……Why is it that the restaurant feels more busy than usual??? Our numbers are the same at November, 100+ covers at lunch and nearing 200 for dinner.  Sales are just a touch higher but mostly due to more booze being sold.  I don’t get it?  We are the type of place that is full all day/everyday ( which is great) so its not like we can fit anymore bodies in here but this week the lunches have been nutty.  Servers are flying around the floor freaking out, the kitchen is extra moody and yet at the end of the day all is the same as the month before. 

Perhaps its just that time of year when we are pre-programed to feel like it is supposed to be busier than normal and so we start running faster than we need to? 

As i write this i don’t really have the answer but it was on my mind as i sit here in my office overlooking the madness that is the dinning room at 1:52 on a Friday afternoon.

peace out and happy holidays


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