Ethical Food Part 2

So I found this online. Its a BBC program called Kill it, Cook it, Eat it.  It deals with animals from farm to plate.   Not an easy watch, but pretty much as real as it gets.  The whole thing is explained in the first 15 seconds or so.  Not for the faint of heart.

I think programs like this are important, despite the epic music and cheesy drama, because it puts us  in touch with where our food comes from. Meat is not a pretty steak sitting in plastic wrap, it really does come from an animal. For many of us, we will never visit a farm, never see animals being raised and slaughtered and never understand the process our food goes through in order for it to reach our table.

This has many ramifications not least of which is the tendancy to waste food.  As we are so detached from our food sources, there is little respect in the way its prepared and thus the way it is treated, leading to so much of the waste we see today.

Again, I found this hard to watch but important to see.

Kill it, cook it, eat it.

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1 Comment

  1. Thanx for that link.

    During my apprenticeship we had to go to an abatoir and we all watched them down the cows with a 22 gauge. Sometimes they missed and the cows were all twitchy and wild. Watching the video brought back those memories.

    Have you seen the little tofu shaped turkeys? Seems funny that they would make them in shapes like meat!

    I enjoy your posts!

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