Epic Food Scan 5: Meat Hoop

What can I say? Words fail me here.  This is an amazing blend of form and function.  Clearly, the four mini nubs of meaty mush goodness are an integral part of the ingestion of this work of art.

Meat HoopI cannot adequately describe the emotional and physical  response I get when staring at this image.  Its like one of those 3D pictures that you stare at and after a while a ship pops out, except that instead of a ship popping out, I feel like throwing up

Click the pic to see it full size.

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1 Comment

  1. A few words come to mind when looking at this food scan… why, why, and why? Was the person who had the concept and then went out and made this “thing” smoking all major Class A drugs? Finally what is that stuff accompanying it?

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