Review: Hoof Cafe

The Hoof Cafe, located along Dundas St. W. right across from the Black Hoof, the flagship, has in my opinion become in its own right a very good lunch destination.

Originally designed as a rest area for customers waiting to get a table over at the sister restaurant, Black Hoof, the Hoof Cafe offered drinks and amuse-bouche style menu. Now a days, it offers a very good lunch/brunch menu, the menu I have tried.

The place itself is a tiny 8 table plus bar establishment on the back of a house. The decor has a feel of caring about not caring, if that makes any sense. The bar, cabinets, and floor are roughly sanded showing “character”, either from no one giving them some love, or designed in such a way. Either way I like that kind of feel to a restaurant, one that Cowbell does very nicely too. Plus it fits in with the local neighbourhood. The ceiling at the Hoof Cafe is right along the same lines, I assume it was left there from the previous owners and just given a buff, or shine to give it new life. In all, everything works, and is done right.

Service is surprisingly good. My uncle and I picked our own table by the window, the server was there to fill our glasses with water and take an order of a couple coffee’s within a couple minutes. Giving us enough time to look over the blackboard menu of about 10 to 12 items. Items like the beef tongue grilled cheese, Bacon & Egger (pork belly pastrami, eggs done how you like them, all on brioche bread), foie gras french toast (brioche again), and suckling pig benedict.

On both occasions I have had the suckling pig benedict, I know I should have tried something different on the second occasion, but damn it, when it tastes that good, and you know it does then why not stick with it. the suckling pig is pulled like a pulled pork shoulder, the pig is fantastic and tender, which is placed atop of a delicious scone (I assume it is also made in-house), with a perfected cooked soft poached (the way I like my poached) egg. All of that is then covered in a smooth, lemon, seasoned hollandaise sauce. Everything is working beautifully together. accompanied by a arugula salad with a lemon vinaigrette. It’s light yet filling, if you know what I mean. I had to get the side of pork belly pastrami, two slices of slowly cooked, with some maple syrup, mouth melting pork fat. Carnivores never had it so good, it could bring a vegan to the dark side. You may have to hit the gym after but so what, its worth it.

My uncle (first time at the cafe) had the risotto which sadly I must say I have forgotten what exactly it was. I think it had some fried shallots, asparagus, spinach, and a meat that escapes me. Needless to say he really enjoyed it and finished the dish. Claire (on my second time at the cafe) had the Bacon & Egger. She said it was a good meal; pork belly pastrami, egg, arugula salad all on brioche. How could it not, really?

I would have to say that the Black Hoof (have yet to try their menu) and the Hoof Cafe have gotten a lot of press and hype, some of it deserved, some of it not (that happens when a place becomes trendy). From my experience though I have to say that I have been impressed and am waiting to see what they come up with next.

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