Avec Eric

Just had the pleasure of stumbling on to Avec Eric on YouTube. I was searching through YouTube related searches with Bourdain, Batali, Reichl, and Richman.

If you don’t know the history behind the culinary war of words between Bourdain and Richman I suggest you google it and enjoy.

Back to why I am writing this post. Eric Ripert is one of the great chefs in New York City, if not the greatest living seafood chef on the planet. His restaurant Le Bernardin, is a New York Times four star recipient. The restaurant also holds three Michelin stars. It is a place that foodies, gourmands, and chefs all over the world go to eat. I’m praising it like I have had the pleasure of sitting at his tables, but alas not yet. I just really respect the man.
These days I am not to sure how much he actually does the cooking and takes the reins of the passe at Le Bernardin but without question consistency is of the highest importance no matter who is there. Come to think of it, consistency is good post in of itself.
Eric does or did (not sure if its still on air) a cooking show called Avec Eric. The first thing I noticed when watching these clips (under 4 minutes) is that all he uses to cook his recipes, which take under 10 minutes to make, is a toaster oven!! Brilliant. I instantly became hungry after 2 clips. His recipes range from figs wrapped in bacon canapes to herb chicken tenders. My favourite might have to be his carpaccio of parmesan zucchini with a 100 year old aged balsamic vinegar. My stomach actually made sounds while watching him prepare and cook, in a toaster oven no less.

The French accent is only icing on the cake. The way he talks about seasoning and its importance is amazing. The way he says “butter” is simply stellar.

You should, nay…you must go and check out what his superbly talented chef can do with a toaster oven and an imagination.

I’ll be in the kitchen.

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