Food In Space 2

When you are in space, cooking is a whole new ballgame. Food doesnt stay in the pot, and tends to float off. Setting a table is difficult for the same reason. Food though is just as critical in space as it is here on earth. Astronauts are subjected to body stressors that require their bodies to be in top condition. Diet, therefor, is critical.

Learning how cook in space has been a trial and error process. The good people at NASA have recently released a book called  The Astronauts Cook Book: Tales Recipes and More by

It is a wealth of information spanning the last thirty years of the NASA food program. While not entirly useful in the terrestrial kitchen, this book does highlight the kitchen creativity and food science acumen needed to feed hungry astronauts.

Astronauts, cosmonauts, and a very limited number of people have experienced eating space food due to the unique processing and packaging required for space travel. This book allows anyone with a normal kitchen to prepare space food. Since some of the processing such as freeze dehydration, and packaging cannot be accomplished in the normal kitchen, many of the recipes will not produce the food that would be launched in space, but will prepare food similar to what the astronauts would eat after they had added the water to the food in space. Many of the space foods are prepared to the point of ready to eat, and then frozen and freeze dried. Food preparation in this book stops at the point of ready to eat before the freezing and dehydrating takes place

Check it out on here

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