This arrived in my inbox today. Its a great info video about the changing landscape of the Canadian food economy. It does a great job of pointing out that while Canada has some of the best available land for agriculture in the world, we choose to import cheaper and often less nutritious items in favor of the perception of better prices at the check out. I will point out that the video is part of a new marketing initiative by Hellmans to encourage people to eat local and thus position itself as a local producer of local food. A quick search on Google brings up the slogan “Helmans, includes 3 Simple Ingredients:100% Canadian Eggs+Vinegar+Canola Oil.” While at first glance this seems perfectly reasonable, Hellmans is owned by Unilever which is a European Multinational that got its start by importing Sunlight soap to Canada. None the less, the message here is clear and if nothing else, a bit of an eye opener.