Frozen raspberries in slow-mo

Things in slow motion look pretty cool.  Things that have been frozen in liquid nitrogen and then filmed breaking apart in slow motion look even cooler.  Here we have a beautiful clip of nitro-frozen raspberries being dashed apart.  The nature of the clip is purely instructional, but is stunning to watch.

This just in: The Great Nutella Hiest of 2013.

In the small German town of Bad Hersfeld, thieves made off with $21 000 (CAD) worth of Nutella.  For those keeping score thats about 6 875 large jars or 27 000 000 calories worth. With climbing food costs, large scale food theft has been on the rise. There have been many high profile incidents, including $18 million dollars …

What went down this week.

@perthpork happy birthday Fred. All the best! # Dried Up Grain Crop Will Raise Prices For Many Goods # Hot Reservations: New York's 7 Toughest Tables # US Drought could cause social unrest. Via Grist. # More Ranchers Culling Cows In Drought # Drought Could Cause Beef Prices To Plummet …

Harvest Table Fundraiser.

The FarmStart initiative was started in 2005 to adress the issues facing a new generation of farmers. They are facing a set of challenges that make being a farmer today difficult.  While many of us forget where our food comes from, the simple truth is that farmers feed us.  It is crucial that new farmers have access to resources and knowledge in …