Baking with Julia

baking with juliaSo I got this neat new recipe book “Baking with Julia” which is a collection of recipes based on Julia Child’s PBS series and written with the help of various “hip” pastry chefs. The book is phenomenal since it explains the basics of every recipe and any/all problems that may arise while making each particular baked good. There’s pictures for almost every item (which for anyone trying a dish out for the first time could be a life saver) and there’s a very wide range of pastries to be baked. Continue reading “Baking with Julia”

Food saftey fail.

badfoodThis is amazing. The following is taken from a facebook post.

Fail for a) fail for eating raw chicken or b) fail for understanding what treats lie ahead for eating raw chicken breast.

-Just finished eating a raw chicken breast, no sweat.  Looks like somebody owes me $20

-You’re gonna die dude, salmonella for sure

-I ate chicken, not salmon, dude.

The full post can be found here.

Funky stuffed French Pork Chop.

food5Just wondering what you think of this, or if you would like to give it a try.

Basically it was stuffed with a Shallot, Spinach, Garlic, Smoked Applewood Cheddar and Mango mixture, obviously you season it to taste. Then Pan Seared or Grilled until cooked. It was served on a Basmati Pilaf with julienne Bell Peppers, Then finished off with a Cider gravy, I used Strongbow as my base.

Its my 1st time…..go easy on me.

Ok, so here I am.  What do you want to know????  I’ve recently moved some 4500 km away from my home and landed a killer job at a fun/funky/crazy busy joint and this is my journey……….

I just finished my 3rd day on the new job and for the first time i felt comfortable there.  The first 2 days were “information over-load”  and i went home feeling like perhaps i wasn’t cut out for it but after today i have a much better outlook on things.

Can’t wait to get back in there tomorrow.