Interesting discovery…

Puff Pastry + Lemon Curd = a fairly dissapointing excuse for a lemon tart

Having had a little bit of pastry left over from another baked good, I decided to see what would happen if the dough was baked in a little muffin tin and filled with lemon curd. Overall, a yummy wannabe lemon tart was exposed. Waaaay too much flakiness and not enough room to fill the “tart” up with the curd but the flavour was quite right…. maybe next time I should really stick to the basics and not mess with a really good thing!

Also came up with a decent proportion for making the lemon custard (fills about 6 small tarts):

1/2 sugar, 3 egg yolks, juice and zest of 2 lemons and about 1/8lb butter (half stick)

– beat the eggs yolks lightly and combine with sugar in a sauce pan, add the lemon juice and zest carefully as to not curdle the egg (can and might happen!). Cook on medium heat until the liquid thickens up and becomes almost airy. Add the butter one small cube at a time and possibly 1/4 tsp of cornstarch if not consistent enough

So here it is

a bit of text to make the night go smoothly…

“I’m not afraid to look like a big, hairy, smelly, foreign devil in Tokyo, though I do my best not to, I really do.”

Anthony Bourdain


You know the way a beautiful woman can roll out of bed and throw on a t-shirt and look unbeliveable, and the way a beautiful woman can spend nine hours putting on meakup for a night on the town and look too “tweaked”? This meal was a beautiful woman in the t-shirt.

Chirs Bianco
