Man To Eat Nothing But Wife’s Breast Milk.

Its been a while since we ran a spread on the growing popularity of using human breast milk for things other then feeding a child. In the interest of keeping up to date with rapidly expanding world of human breast milk consumption, here is yet another wonderful, touching and slightly strange story. It all boils …

Human Breast Milk Vs. Lady Gaga

As a quick disclaimer:  I would much rather write about other things but I feel compeled to relate these stories as they come up.  I find it funny that in such a short time there has been such a clamour about human breast milk products. Lady Gaga, a long standing bastion of good taste and …

Human Breast Milk Round III

It seems the world has gone breast milk crazy.  Up until very recently, there was very little in the way of human breast milk products. Now, in the span of less then a month, I find myself writing yet another post on human breast milk. Enter “Baby Ga-Ga” British health officials were forced to sieze …