When will the reality shows end?

Feeling slightly sluggish on a rainy day, I decided to watch a Food Network marathon expecting to gain some new culinary knowledge. Unfortunately, what I was presented with, instead, was a series of really bad reality shows that have very little to do with food. I’m sure Hell’s Kitchen, the “Next Food Network Star” and …

Mega Food-Mart

The first pic I snapped is just inside the door of a jumbo sized food outlet that will remain namless. It was massive beyond anything I have ever seen. The epic proportions some how made the food inside feel cheap and utterly disposable. It took me 6 shots to create this panorama. The second pic …

The worlds most remote restaurant.

I found this while cruising around the interweb this morning… Apparently, this is the worlds most remote restaurant.  You have to walk/climb an outrageous path to get there, but if you make it (alive) you get a free lunch… You can check out more about the region here: Mount_Hua I laughed when I read that …