Chef School Essentials 2: More Knives

Choosing your knives. I like knives. I like sharp knives. I spent a long time wandering around the city trying to get my hands on as many knives as I could. There is something fascinating about how a knife feels in the hand; how it cuts and how it sharpens. I feel that having a …

Lemon: The New Bacon

Recently I can’t stop thinking about lemons and how I could add them, the juice, zest, slices, wedges, and whatever amount from a teaspoon to a few ounces and the result would only be a positive to the desired dish. Its just as versatile as anything else out there and gives bacon a run for …


Seasonal and organic food is very rapidly making a comeback in today’s culinary society, so I figured it would be absolutely necessary to discuss (at least once a month) the fruit or veggie that is being celebrated at that moment. Since it’s almost mid-April and the weather’s been exceptionally nice this year, I’m considering this …

The worlds most remote restaurant.

I found this while cruising around the interweb this morning… Apparently, this is the worlds most remote restaurant.  You have to walk/climb an outrageous path to get there, but if you make it (alive) you get a free lunch… You can check out more about the region here: Mount_Hua I laughed when I read that …

Chef School Essentials Part 1 – Knife roll

So here we are, at the end of the whole chef school experience and a great time to talk about what was absolutely required and what pieces of kitchen paraphernalia are completely useless and shouldn’t be bought! And this is more than an open post so feel free to post your opinions and feedback! This …