Chef David Chang above the 49th Parallel

Internationally known Chef David Chang is coming to Toronto in 2012, in partnership with Shangri La Hotels & Resorts. Foodies and people in the industry, myself included, will be watching very carefully in the coming years. Must say I am curious and excited to see what he does with his restaurants and his time in …

Nancy’s Flavourful Tang

Egon’s rosemary batard received some love from Just goes to show that if you treat Nancy right she’ll rise to the occasion. Awesome job Egon, keep up the baking. Here is the link…

Big Night, Romagna Mia Style

Romagna Mia is closing its doors, on Sunday March 6th, after 14 years. Chef Gabriele Paganelli will be closing down and re-opening under a different menu and name, Paganelli’s Risotteria-Enoteca. Gabriele has decide to go out in style though, paying homage to the 1996 critically acclaimed movie Big Night. If anyone hasn’t heard of Big …

Quote from Leon Kass, Ethicist, from his book The Hungry Soul: Eating and the Perfection of Our Nature

“…nature does everything in the operations of a beast, whereas man contributes to his operations by being a free agent. The former chooses or rejects by instinct and the latter by an act of freedom, so that a beast cannot deviate from the rule that is prescribed to it even when it would be advantageous …

Book Review – Sourdough: A Recipe For Life

It’s amazing. Loved it. It’s small. It’s cute. Having recently begun baking my own bread, at work and personally, this book was given to me by Ryan, the butcher and charcuterie Yoda at Marben. He suggested I read it to get a better understanding of leavened bread and specifically sourdough. I assume he handed me …

Opinion on Mark McEwan’s Book – Great Food At Home

I was in the Coles bookstore in Brantford at the Lyndon Mall buying a gift for my mother, an early Christmas gift if you will, and thought I would walk by the cookbook section and see if anything would catch my eye, something that I may have missed on Amazon (love you Amazon, your the …

KFC Double Down

It is now official the Double Down from KFC has made it way above the 49th parallel, as of October 17th. KFC has upped the anti with this apocalyptic sandwich. For anyone who doesn’t know what the Double Down is then please allow me to describe what comes with this insane sandwich, it you can …

Thanks Rob, ever since he suggested I check out culinary related books on instead of going to a Chapters or Indigo (same parent company for both stores) and paying more for the same books, I have become addicted to checking out books from this website. I have probably bought close to 25 books since …

Book Review: Molecular Gastronomy- Exploring the Science of Flavor by Herve This

“It is not enough to know the principles, one needs to know how to manipulate.” – Michael Faraday This is the man, the founder of Molecular Gastronomy. Along with fellow colleagues, he defined the science behind cooking. His prose is simple and unabashed. On topics like making stock, to tenderness and juiciness, to how salt …

Book Review: The Soul Of A Chef – The Journey Toward Perfection by Michael Ruhlman

This book is Michael Ruhlman’s second in-depth book into the world of the Culinary Institute of America (CIA). His first book being The Making of a Chef: Mastering Heat at the Culinary Institute of America. The Soul Of A Chef takes a look at the grueling Certified Master Chef exam at the CIA, the most …

Book Review: The Whole Beast: Nose to Tail Eating by Fergus Henderson

Foodie Classic. Ahead of its time. Many imitators, few successes. For true culinary epicureans Fergus Henderson is the standard for “total utilization.” He was doing offal when it was taboo, while others were gaining stardom and Michelin Stars serving truffles, foie gras, and fillet mignon. Henderson would not give way to trends and fads, staying …

First Timer

Lemon Tart you stole my title, Great Beginnings, even though you thought of it first and I hadn’t even experienced a moment that needed that title. Nonetheless a title theft. All kidding aside great post, well titled (said with a hint of jealousy). For about a month now I have been on the search for …

Avec Eric

Just had the pleasure of stumbling on to Avec Eric on YouTube. I was searching through YouTube related searches with Bourdain, Batali, Reichl, and Richman. If you don’t know the history behind the culinary war of words between Bourdain and Richman I suggest you google it and enjoy. Back to why I am writing this …

Unnamed Salad; looking for help….

A couple days ago I made this salad and have been looking to give it a name. Having not come up with anything myself I was hoping to reach out and get some ideas from fellow foodies… Here is the following salad in order of construction on the plate (bottom to top): – Prosciutto di …

Mum’s Birthday: Three Course Meal…

Yesterday I had written out this blog entry only to erase it before publishing, so here I go again… Finished up cooking brunch at the Harbord House during the World Cup Final. Drove home, but before getting there dropped by a Sobey’s to grab a couple ingredients for the dinner. Here is said dinner… First …