Loyalty in the Culinary World…

I have recently come across a moral and culinary dilemma, one that has me going through the pros and cons of a heavy decision. Thanks to this blog and by extension Rob (the admin), I can get this of my chest and maybe hear from people if they have experienced their own loyalty issues in …

Review: Hoof Cafe

The Hoof Cafe, located along Dundas St. W. right across from the Black Hoof, the flagship, has in my opinion become in its own right a very good lunch destination. Originally designed as a rest area for customers waiting to get a table over at the sister restaurant, Black Hoof, the Hoof Cafe offered drinks …

Grilled Lamb Chops w/ Garlic Confit and Mint

I recently made this dish at home after searching and talking to a local meat shoppe producer in Paris, Ontario. I picked up One 8-rib Rack of Lamb, brought it home and set about making my dish. I had garlic, oils, wine, and mint at home. Using the recently purchased rack of lamb as my …

Restaurant Review: Gus and Guidos

Gus and Guidos is quote “A Greek Italian Experience.” An experience is definately what you get when you walk through the doors and sit down to have dinner at this establishment. My experience has left me wanting to drive into Toronto and get the taste of this terrible meal from my palette by eating at …

Lemon: The New Bacon

Recently I can’t stop thinking about lemons and how I could add them, the juice, zest, slices, wedges, and whatever amount from a teaspoon to a few ounces and the result would only be a positive to the desired dish. Its just as versatile as anything else out there and gives bacon a run for …

Battle For the Ages: Jam vs. Marmalade

I’m throwing it all out there, swinging for the fences, giving it the old 1, 2 knockout. What is the difference between the two? Is it because one is citrus the other fruit? If that is true then why can people get away with saying “onion marmalade?” Is it because one is made witht he …

Restaurant Review: Colborne Lane

Just last Saturday I was lucky enough to have had a dinner at Colborne Lane with friends for Claire’s birthday, 7 of us in total. During the reservation taking the host(s) that I talked to were friendly, polite, understanding, and professional. I say understanding only because the original reservation was for 10 then with many …

Lemon Creme Brulee

I can officially say that i have now baked… never before have I tried or dared to mix eggs, sugar (also brown), vanilla and whipping cream to make something let alone something so damn good and simple. Yet i can’t help thinking that’s the key to this desert, that and lucky and praying to the …

Book: The Making of a Chef

From the beginning pages of the book with the opening quote from A. Escoffier, “Everything is relative but there is a standard which must not be deviated from, especially with reference to the basic culinary preparations.” You get a sense that Michael has not written this book half heartedly. In fact as a reader you …

Ethical Food Part 1

While we in Canada slowly come to terms with the need for local, sustainable agricultural practices, there are still many many issues that need to be addressed when it comes to ethical food production.  Some frightening and often disturbing issues lie just under the surface.  Knowledge and exposure are critical tools to promoting change. If …