Do not feed the animals.

The food stamp program, part of the Department of Agriculture, is pleased to be distributing the greatest amount of food stamps ever. Meanwhile, the Park Service, also part of the Department of Agriculture, asks us to “please do not feed the animals” because the animals may grow dependent and not learn to take care of …

Science, making booze boozier.

The good people at Terressentia have come up with a way of using science to make booze taste better by removing impurities left over from the distillation process.  In short, with typical distillation, there are lesser alcohols that are formed that leave a harsh taste in the mouth and contribute to hangovers.  By using their patentend  process, Terressentia can …

The Fat Map.

Reuters new service has put out a pretty nifty interactive map of the world showing the planets fattest countries.  The added bonus is the FDA research which indicates the projected trillion dollar+ sales of obesity related drugs.  Drugs used to make people thiner.  I guess popping a pill is much easier then making healthy lifestyle …

Geek Grill Gambit

I know there are more inexpensive and functional ways to keep tabs on temperature in your grill, but there are none cooler.  Enter the iGrill bluetooth thermometer. It is a stand alone meat probe style thermometer that also comes with an app to link directly to your iphone or ipad via bluetooth.  Features include safe …

Food Printing.

Recently, the LA Times reported that the smarty pants people at Cornell University had developed tool food tool for “solid freeform fabrication.” Basically, its a 3D printer (currently all the rage in nerd circles) for food. Layer by yummy layer, food is created or built. As a prime example, I direct your attention to the …

Some More On Rome

Its a beautiful morning here in Florence.  The sun is shining and the air is crisp; a little Joan Jett playing in the background.   A far cry from the hustle and bustle of the ginorma-city, Rome.  WIth a little time for reflection, Ive got some thoughts about Rome. It is a wonderful city.  There …

Human Breast Milk Round III

It seems the world has gone breast milk crazy.  Up until very recently, there was very little in the way of human breast milk products. Now, in the span of less then a month, I find myself writing yet another post on human breast milk. Enter “Baby Ga-Ga” British health officials were forced to sieze …

Human Milk Cheese Update

Yup, just when you thought a strange story was dead and burried along comes some shocking new developments. According to one of our readers, human milk cheese is already available on the market and has been for some time.  Since 1947, the good people at Cosma Cheese in France,  have been making Petit Singly cheese.  Using …

Ethical Food: Mechanically Seperated Meat

We take so much for granted when it comes to food.  So much so that many of us have lost touch with where and how our food is made.  While I understand that much of the food available is processed, there is a distinct  disconnect when it comes to understanding exactly what that means. To …

Epic food scan 9: Wieners and Ford.

The assembly line.  A true invention of brilliance.  One person in a line of many, doing one thing over and over all day long.  Henry Ford introduced the world to mass produced efficiency.  Everything from clothes and tents to appliances and books were produced in record numbers by the vast faceless hoards of assembly line …

Epic food scan 8: The origins of life pt 1.

And in the begining there was nothing.  It was very boring.  And lo, the big bang occurred-eth.    Unto the universe, big bang begot the elements and the heavens.  As the universe  coalesced, primordial ooze, the very underpinning of life as we know it, was formed. Rich in amino acids, proteins and other life essentials, it …

Strawberry Shortcake Continued…

It seems as though I may have a fixation with this little dessert but it’s one of the simplest I know to make and it’s really good for clearing your pantry and your fridge. So this time I made it a little different due to the lack of whipping cream in my house. So this …