Frozen raspberries in slow-mo

Things in slow motion look pretty cool.  Things that have been frozen in liquid nitrogen and then filmed breaking apart in slow motion look even cooler.  Here we have a beautiful clip of nitro-frozen raspberries being dashed apart.  The nature of the clip is purely instructional, but is stunning to watch.

The Beauty of Old School Butchery

I came across this video on Youtube. Its from the U.S. National Archive and was produced in 1945. The butchery skills are amazing as is the music and the narration. Note the caliber of the cow at the begingin of the video and the color and marbling of the meat. This movie was made before …

The Grizzly Project, Barcelona

This is a very interesting clip on the design and making of a chocolate grizzly bear by the Barcelona Pastry Guild School for the World Chocolate Masters competition this year. Enjoy!    

Science, making booze boozier.

The good people at Terressentia have come up with a way of using science to make booze taste better by removing impurities left over from the distillation process.  In short, with typical distillation, there are lesser alcohols that are formed that leave a harsh taste in the mouth and contribute to hangovers.  By using their patentend  process, Terressentia can …

The Gutmaster 8000

Behold The Gutmaster 8000! This a machine designed to eviscerate, decapitate and clean salmon. So, just how effective is this slice and dice contraption? It can fully process a salmon in less then two seconds, averaging out at about 30 salmon a min. The salmon get fed into a conveyor system where various blades make …

I’m Making Pancakes.

This is a great video I found while wandering around youtube.  It has some sassy language so I wouldn’t blare it at work.  Mac Lethal, spits some mad rhymes while flipping flapjacks.   Tight lyrics and perfect pancakes; a win  both ways. Enjoy. You can find more Mac Leathal at

Beautiful custom knives in Brooklyn

It  is pretty much fact that cooks love knives. Of all the gear in kitchens, we love knives the most.  We covet them, baby them and cut stuff up with them.  I am no exception. I am constantly on the prowl for new knives, innovative knives; knives that speak to me.  Thats when I came across this …

Apple vs. Apple

In my other life, outside of cooking, I am a huge geek.  I love tech and I am a bit of a Mac nerd.  While I love both worlds, there are few cases where the two meet.  For example, while I am typing this, my left index finger is unusable and pretty tender as I …

Food Printing.

Recently, the LA Times reported that the smarty pants people at Cornell University had developed tool food tool for “solid freeform fabrication.” Basically, its a 3D printer (currently all the rage in nerd circles) for food. Layer by yummy layer, food is created or built. As a prime example, I direct your attention to the …

Ferran Adria speaks on water.

You have to respect the man and his absolute dedication to food and science. He is also really good at answering questions. Maybe something is lost in the translation?   The magic really begins at about 2:15ish.   Transcript: opnik: What’s the earliest memory of a transformational food experience?Adria, via translator: Before that, he would …