Homemade Pasta

Again ….. I know we’ve already had a post about homemade pasta. I just wanted to add a couple of more points and some pictures. I agree with everything my food blog contemporary has said about making pasta. Its easy, enjoyable and the stuff you buy at the store is crap. Don’t get me wrong, …

Inspiring Our Kitchen

I’ve been in and around restaurants since I was 12 years old and washing dishes at my parents resto on the south shore of Nova Scotia. I have worked in downtown Toronto, uptown Toronto, in PEI, Collingwood and now out west and I gotta say, no matter where you go some things never change and yet others …

New Feature: Epic Food Scans!

I was recently over for dinner at a friends house.  He brought out a few books that his dad had rescued from a local thrift store.  One giant and slightly off smelling tome, called “The Creative Cooking Course”, is an opus to haute cuisine of the late 60’s and 70’s shown through the jaded eyes …

Book: Tender by Nigel Slater

I have a confession: I don’t like vegetables. I’m more of a fruit person. However I will admit there has been the odd occasion where someone has prepared some vegetable in a way that has blown my socks off. So in an effort to not get rickets, I purchased the most stunning book by Nigel …

A starter of my very own!

One of the best aromas in the world, is the smell of freshly baked bread. This new year has been filled with simple white loaves, whole wheat bread and even flax seed and oat bread… but nothing really quite hit the spot. I was searching for that true tasting bread, and I luckily discovered that …

Simple Strawberry Shortcake

Hello all and a very Happy New Year!!! Welcome to a new decade hopefully filled with scrumptious food and yummy num nums…. Anyways, so over the Christmas break I perfected a cake I enjoy very much and that is Strawberry Shortcake. Although winter is generally not a season to be making anything involving fresh strawberries, …


Well I’m about to get into my Christmas cooking mode (read: red wine opened and music cranked).  For me it is Polish delights on the 24th and tukey on the 25th.  The perogi assembly-line usually kicks into highgear around 8pm on the 23rd and takes us well into the early hours of the next morning, …

whats the deal with that?…….

Oh goodness it must be Christmas!  Here’s what i don’t understand though……Why is it that the restaurant feels more busy than usual??? Our numbers are the same at November, 100+ covers at lunch and nearing 200 for dinner.  Sales are just a touch higher but mostly due to more booze being sold.  I don’t get …