Science, making booze boozier.

The good people at Terressentia have come up with a way of using science to make booze taste better by removing impurities left over from the distillation process.  In short, with typical distillation, there are lesser alcohols that are formed that leave a harsh taste in the mouth and contribute to hangovers.  By using their patentend  process, Terressentia can …

Tuna Sales Record: $736 000 or $2800/kg

At the first auction of the new year at Tokyo’s Tsukiji fish market, a world record for tuna was set when a Sushi mogul purchased a 269kg blue fin tuna for just shy of $2800 a kilo. For those doing the math that works out to about $736 000.00 US. The astounding price was up …

New Loblaws – Queen and Portland, Toronto

I must say that, in my opinion, Loblaws really tops all the other grocery stores in Toronto for the quality of products offered and their variety. Although it may be pricier than others, freshness is always guatanteed and the customer service is definitely admirable. I had the pleasure to inaugurate their new location in the …

I’m Making Pancakes.

This is a great video I found while wandering around youtube.  It has some sassy language so I wouldn’t blare it at work.  Mac Lethal, spits some mad rhymes while flipping flapjacks.   Tight lyrics and perfect pancakes; a win  both ways. Enjoy. You can find more Mac Leathal at

Birthday Round Up: Food saftey fail.

This post always makes me laugh. People are amazing. This is amazing. The following is taken from a facebook post. Fail for a) fail for eating raw chicken or b) fail for understanding what treats lie ahead for eating raw chicken breast. -Just finished eating a raw chicken breast, no sweat.  Looks like somebody owes …

Man To Eat Nothing But Wife’s Breast Milk.

Its been a while since we ran a spread on the growing popularity of using human breast milk for things other then feeding a child. In the interest of keeping up to date with rapidly expanding world of human breast milk consumption, here is yet another wonderful, touching and slightly strange story. It all boils …

Guu Sakabar, Toronto

Having just opened its doors in the beginning of 2011 this location of the Guu empire (another location in Toronto, six in Vancouver and one in China) has definitely taken the Annex by storm. Located a block east of Bloor and Bathurst this Japanese pub (Izakaya) is constantly busy and I can definitely understand why. …

Final meal at Marben, Toronto

I am very disappointed to have to write this review but I think in light of the situation, I need to stand up for what I believe! Marben has a special place in my heart but all feelings aside, Notes on a Meal readers deserve my honesty. A few months ago, my fellow diner and …

Dinner with friends

We recently had the pleasure of being spoiled by a very dear foodie from far far away… The company was great, the evening full of laughs and to top it all off, the food was outstanding. Since we like to believe in the idea of “go big or go home” we enjoyed a seven course …

Some More On Rome

Its a beautiful morning here in Florence.  The sun is shining and the air is crisp; a little Joan Jett playing in the background.   A far cry from the hustle and bustle of the ginorma-city, Rome.  WIth a little time for reflection, Ive got some thoughts about Rome. It is a wonderful city.  There …