Food Art – Shay Aaron

So this is a little unusual since this artist doesn’t use food to create his art pieces but his creations always end up looking like food, in miniature. Shay Aaron is a 24 year old jewellery designer from Israel who creates Mini Food Jewels. His creations are mostly made from polymer clay that has been …

Frozen raspberries in slow-mo

Things in slow motion look pretty cool.  Things that have been frozen in liquid nitrogen and then filmed breaking apart in slow motion look even cooler.  Here we have a beautiful clip of nitro-frozen raspberries being dashed apart.  The nature of the clip is purely instructional, but is stunning to watch.

This just in: The Great Nutella Hiest of 2013.

In the small German town of Bad Hersfeld, thieves made off with $21 000 (CAD) worth of Nutella.  For those keeping score thats about 6 875 large jars or 27 000 000 calories worth. With climbing food costs, large scale food theft has been on the rise. There have been many high profile incidents, including $18 million dollars …

The Beauty of Old School Butchery

I came across this video on Youtube. Its from the U.S. National Archive and was produced in 1945. The butchery skills are amazing as is the music and the narration. Note the caliber of the cow at the begingin of the video and the color and marbling of the meat. This movie was made before …

Food Pairing Site

Food Pairing This is a site for pairing foods and drinks – great for chefs and bartenders. Foodpairing shows tasty food pairings based on scientific data – it’s amazing because it takes the worry if “this tastes good with that”. They hold food pairing workshops and also match ingredients to brands. Check it out! Jill

Lucky Charms Sifter.

Tired of eating the garbage cereal shapes in a box of Lucky Charms? Tired of picking out the little bits of marshmallow goodness from each bowl by hand? Are you ready to change your life? Enter the Lucky Charms sifter. This handy device was invented by genius Thomas Lombardi and it does one thing really, …

I’m Making Pancakes.

This is a great video I found while wandering around youtube.  It has some sassy language so I wouldn’t blare it at work.  Mac Lethal, spits some mad rhymes while flipping flapjacks.   Tight lyrics and perfect pancakes; a win  both ways. Enjoy. You can find more Mac Leathal at

Ma Maison enters a gingerbread competition

Just in time for the holidays, the Ma Maison team decided to enter a fierce but fun gingerbread competition. The rules were simple, make “something” out of gingerbread was basically all we were told. The construction had to be 2x2x2 feet and everything except the base had to be edible. Ma Maison came up with …

Man To Eat Nothing But Wife’s Breast Milk.

Its been a while since we ran a spread on the growing popularity of using human breast milk for things other then feeding a child. In the interest of keeping up to date with rapidly expanding world of human breast milk consumption, here is yet another wonderful, touching and slightly strange story. It all boils …

Sugar Art Mastery

I can’t say that pretend to know much about the world of pastry arts. I would even go so far as to say the whole pastry world for me is full of mystery and wonder. So when I saw the sugar work below, I almost fell off my chair. The pastry chef is Bastien Blanc-Tailleur …

Pastry Tip

Is your pie soggy? Is your crust not, well, crusty? Wanna try something neato that will make your pie flakey and lovely? Just add vodka. Make your favorite dough recipe and substitue all the water for vodka. The alcohol makes the dough more pliable and easier to work with. When you bake it, the alcohol …

Apple vs. Apple

In my other life, outside of cooking, I am a huge geek.  I love tech and I am a bit of a Mac nerd.  While I love both worlds, there are few cases where the two meet.  For example, while I am typing this, my left index finger is unusable and pretty tender as I …