Soupstock Toronto

In an effort to protest the limestone Mega-Quarry proposed for the agricultural land of Melancthon Township (100km northwest of Toronto), the Canadian Chef’s congress and the David Suzuki Foundation are organising Soupstock. This major effort will go down on October 21st, 2012 in Woodbine Park (Coxwell and Lakeshore) from 11am until 4pm. If this is …

The Grizzly Project, Barcelona

This is a very interesting clip on the design and making of a chocolate grizzly bear by the Barcelona Pastry Guild School for the World Chocolate Masters competition this year. Enjoy!    

Dinner with friends

We recently had the pleasure of being spoiled by a very dear foodie from far far away… The company was great, the evening full of laughs and to top it all off, the food was outstanding. Since we like to believe in the idea of “go big or go home” we enjoyed a seven course …

My time at Cowbell

A couple of years ago, when I was toying with the idea of going into the kitchen, I ate at Cowbell.  It had been open for a while and  making waves in the Toronto dining scene.  Fresh food, whole animal butchery and a commitment to farmers and producers in the local area.  Now, these concepts …

Chef School Essentials 2: More Knives

Choosing your knives. I like knives. I like sharp knives. I spent a long time wandering around the city trying to get my hands on as many knives as I could. There is something fascinating about how a knife feels in the hand; how it cuts and how it sharpens. I feel that having a …

Chef’s House Restaurant

So having been on both sides of the counter in this King st East restaurant I can’t give a fair review on the food since I’m prone to forgiving mistakes a little more easily. However, I will try my hardest to be as unbiased as possible when judging my latest food experience there, since it …

Chef School Essentials Part 1 – Knife roll

So here we are, at the end of the whole chef school experience and a great time to talk about what was absolutely required and what pieces of kitchen paraphernalia are completely useless and shouldn’t be bought! And this is more than an open post so feel free to post your opinions and feedback! This …

George Brown Food and Wine Gala

So last night I had the pleasure in partaking in a very interesting competition… the George Brown Food and Wine Gala! A chance for the current students to showcase their culinary, creativity and time management skills. Despite some planning issues on food rations for the masses, the college really provided guests with a wonderful sensory …